Practical Billionairess

How to outfit yourself as a Billionairess for Billionaires for Bush actions!

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Location: Biarritz

Billionaires for Bush is a satirical, do-it-yourself campaign using humor, media and street theater to expose politicians who support the corporate elite at the expense of everyday Americans. "Billionaires For WealthCare" is its most recent manifestation, darlings. The Boston Chapter is currently in resurrection mode.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Special Report: Cleaning Gowns and Faux Furs

There is no doubt that dry cleaning is the quickest and easiest way to clean one's gowns and faux furs*. But what if one is a low-liquidity billionairess and simply doesn't have that kind of ready money? There are alternatives, darling!

First, check the fiber content of your gown or faux fur. If it is synthetic, such as polyester, you will probably be able to wash it yourself, as long as you take care. If the gown or fur is of natural fibers, such as cotton or silk, you will probably be able to refresh it using a product such as Dryel, even if you cannot clean it.

To refresh a natural fiber gown or fur, purchase a product such as Dryel and follow the directions. The kits essentially eliminate odors in the fabric as well as help you remove unsightly spots, but are not a substitute for a thorough dry cleaning. However, they can help you extend the time between dry cleanings and thus can save you money.

To thoroughly clean a synthetic fiber gown or fur, there are a couple of methods. There are also a couple of cautions: First, make sure your gown or fur is color-fast by wetting an unnoticable area and letting it dry. Is the color the same as the surrounding area which did not get wet? If so, the garment is color-fast. If the garment is not color-fast, you will be better off getting it dry cleaned. Also, be sure to leave plenty of time for the gown or coat to dry - thick faux furs may take up to 4 days to dry! Another important thing to keep in mind is to never twist or wring your garment - that can easily ruin the way it hangs! So, let's get started, darling:

The easiest way to wash a color-fast synthetic garment is to use your washing machine in this special way: Since the agitator can easily damage fine fabric and twist your garment, put your gown in the washer and fill it with cold water. Put a small amount of mild detergent such as Woolite or dishwashing liquid into the stream of water. Use just a small amount - a tablespoonful at most. Allow the washer to fill then TURN IT OFF before the agitator starts! It is important to NOT allow the agitator to work. Gently press the garment down into the water until it is completely saturated and the detergent is distributed. You want to make sure you do not twist the garment! Let it sit for about a half hour, occasionally moving the garment gently with your hands. Then turn the dial to the spin part of the wash cycle. This will spin your garment to get out the excess water. You may need to redistribute the coat to keep the machine from being too unbalanced. Now allow the machine to fill with cold rinse water, STOP the machine before the agitator starts, use your hands to press the garment into the water again and let it soak for a half hour or so. Again, occasionally move the garment gently by hand to allow the clean water to dissolve all the remaining detergent. Again turn the dial to the spin cycle and let the machine spin the garment so it is no longer soaking wet. For faux furs, you may want to rinse the fur twice, since any detergent residue will make the fur look gummy.

If you do not have a washing machine, you can try the above method at an uncrowded laundromat - first check the machine to see if you can turn it on and off. If a washing machine is not an option, you can wash your gown or coat in your bathtub or large washbasin. Fill up the tub with cold water and a small amount of mild detergent. Let the garment soak with occasional gentle agitation with your hands. Drain the water and press excess water out of the garment with your hands. NEVER twist or wring the garment! Rinse thoroughly, drain the tub and again press excess water out with your hands. A trick for getting a garment dry without a spin cycle is to lay it on a large number of clean dry towels, roll up the towels and press the roll with your hands (or even step on it while wearing clean socks - be prepared to get a little wet).

It is best to let your newly cleaned coat or gown dry flat, by laying it out square and straight on layer of towels or sheets on the floor. If you do not have enough clean towels and floor space for that (or if your cats like taking excursions over wet taffeta, as mine do), hang the gown or fur to dry. Make sure to hang the garment on a plastic or wooden hanger (no wire!) so that the shoulder seams follow the hanger or so that the garment hangs straight and square (correct any twist in the garment by pulling it gently into shape). Keep in mind that a thick faux fur coat may need to be turned several times in order to dry completely (let it dry for about a day, turn it inside out for about a day, then turn it right-side out to finish drying).
Once it is dry, iron your gown - that way you will not inadvertently steam it. Once your faux fur is dry, use a flexible bristled brush or fine-toothed comb to gently brush it out to make it fluffy and glamourous once more.

So, if you take care and know your garments fiber content, you can save a little money by cleaning your luxe garments yourself. That's cold hard cash you can you to treat yourself to your next spa trip, darling!

*NEVER try to clean a real fur yourself! Please have your natural furs cleaned by a professional!